Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein circa 1919.


Einstein born in Ulm, in the kingdom of Wurttemberg, which was then part of the German empire, on March 14.


While working as a patent examiner in Bern, Switzerland, published four major papers, most notably Special Relativity. Awarded Ph.D by University of Zurich.


After years of formulation, published paper on General Relativity. Confirmed by Eddington in 1919.


Awarded Nobel Prize in Physics for earlier work on the photovoltaic effect, one of his publications from 1905.


Due to Nazi Germany restrictions on Jews, could not return to Germany. After short stays in Belgium and England, moved to U.S. and took position at the Institute for Advanced Studies.


Penned letter, along with Leo Szilard, to President Roosevelt, alerting of Nazi attempts, and willingness to use, an atomic bomb. Led to the Manhattan Project.


Offered Presidency of Israel by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. Though "deeply moved," declines.


Einstein dies, April 18, from ruptured aortic aneurysm. Without permission from his family, his brain was removed for study.